Letters For Spiritual Seekers

Letters For Spiritual Seekers

By Swami Lokeswarananda, 295 pages, Hardcover.

Swami Shivananda's whole life was one of self-surrender to God, and this can be clearly seen in all his letters. And to those who wrote him, he would advise them similarly—surrender yourself to God and call on Him with a longing heart. Along with this, however, he gave to each of the disciples and devotees who wrote him loving, practical advice, like a father, to solve their problems—spiritual or otherwise. And, like a father, he guided them in their times of happiness and in their times of sorrow. He was like a mighty ocean liner, which could take many souls across the frightening sea of the world and bring them to eternal bliss. Fortunately for us, many of his letters have been preserved, and they still touch the hearts of readers today very much the way they must have affected those to whom he wrote. His blessings are still there on every page.