Cinderella's Gold Slipper

Cinderella's Gold Slipper

By Samuel D. Fohr, 18.95, Paperback.

Author holds that the Grimms' tales are not just childish 'fairy tales', but are filled with spiritual symbolism, and as such have value for adults as well as children. Snow White, for example, is a story of creation and spiritual growth, and its message parallels Hindu and Judaic creation myths. Hansel and Gretel and Cinderella both portray the journey back to God. Author also looks at recurring themes in the stories, and answers such questions as: Why are giants always evil and dwarves always good? What is the symbolic significance of the hungry wolf who appears in many stories? Exactly what are genies, and why are they always trapped in bottles? A delightful but serious examination of cherished stories, this book revels new meaning in familiar tales. Also included is an extensive biography and and an Appendix on the authenticity of the Grimm's tales.